Montessori Education system provides children with liberal education

European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Department Basic Education organized a conference theme “Montessori Education”. Expert of Montessori Education Hatice Düzgün participated in the seminar which was held at Rauf Raif Denktaş Conference Hall as a speaker.
In Montessori schools, children can easily walk around the classroom.
Pointing out that The Montessori education system, which has been used for more than a century, was developed by Maria Montessori, an expert in Italian educational philosophy, Düzgün said that Doctor Montessori, who also worked with children with mental disabilities, asserted that the treatment of disabled children is not in medicine but in education. She also said that “In the education system developed by Maria Montessori, it is aimed for the child to receive an education in accordance with their interests. There is no restriction and this education system provides children with liberal education” and added that in order to provide Montessori trainings today, trainers have been trained by the International Montessori Association in England. Düzgün also said that “This education reaches up to kindergarten, primary school and high school level in some countries. In Montessori schools, children can easily walk around the classroom” and continued that they can use all the fields in the school as they wish and they can do the activities they want. She said that “Reality and naturalness is of importance in these classrooms thus the materials are used in real terms”.
In Montessori education, great importance is given to the development of aspects such as being patient and individualizing.
Düzgün said that “In the Montessori class, which has one of each material, the child has to wait for the material to finish. In this education system, great importance is given to the development of aspects such as cleaning, color matching, learning to be patient and individualizing” and added that in this system, where the desire to learn and the pleasure of research are combined, children become natural leaders and are delighted to receive new tasks. Düzgün finally said that daily life skills, mathematics activities, language development activities, sensory education activities, universal learning activities are the methods used in this system.