“Puppets in the Worlds of Children” themed Exhibition at EUL

“Puppets in the Worlds of Children” themed Exhibition organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Department of Pre-School Teaching was held at EUL Rauf Raif Denktaş Educational Complex.
Children learnt by playing with Puppets
Considering that puppets have a great importance in terms of child development in the preschool education period and the participation of children in the teaching process will be more effective because they perceive the puppet as a game, it was stated that such an exhibition was organized by the Department of Preschool Education and that puppets could be used effectively in children’s eating, sleeping and toilet habits in their leisure activities.
Puppets designed using a recycling theme
Various toy materials presented by the students using the theme of recycling gained the admiration of the visitors of the exhibition.