Recommendations from Academicians of EUL Faculty of Agriculture to the T.R.N.C Vegetable and Fruit Producers

Academicians of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences & Technologies Department of Horticultural Production & Marketing Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgut Alas and Assist. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kahramanoğlu participated in the “1st International Conference on Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences” which took place in Budapest, Hungary and gave presentations on the topics “Yedikule Type Lettuce Production Opportunities During a Year in Northern Cyprus” and “Investigation of the Methods of Fighting against Heart Rot Disease in Pomegranate Fruit”
Paris Island lettuce suitable for cultivation in Northern Cyprus conditions
In their studies, Alas and Kahramanoğlu tried to reveal which type of lettuce is suitable for cultivation in Northern Cyprus among three lettuce types (Paris Island, Filipus and Quintus) and analysed the characteristics of stem growth percentage, approximate head weight, head length and head diameter. Aras and Kahramanoğlu pointed out that, as a result of the study, it is observed that the three types enter the early stem growth period in the spring and summer, and do not have an economic value and added that these three types have a lower percentage of stem growth in the autumn and winter. Aras and Kahramanoğlu also pointed out that in terms of approximate head weight, head length and head diameter Paris Island type is better when compared with other two types and added that especially from September to March Paris Island lettuce is more suitable for cultivation in Northern Cyprus conditions and have higher economic return.
The Fight against Alternaria spp Disease in Pomegranate Fruit should be conducted in the Period which the Flowers fully Blossom
In the other study, Alas and Kahramanoğlu analysed the Methods of Fighting against Alternaria spp Disease in Pomegranate Fruit and the effect of four different fungicide (Cupper oxide; Azoxystrobin; Boscalid + Pyraclostrobin; ve Propiconazole + Difenoconazol) on the disease. Emphasizing the effect of fungicide used in the blossom period in preventing Alernaria spp disease, Aras and Kahramanoğlu stated that as a result of their study they observed that the most effective fungicide in preventing the disease is “Propiconazol + Difenoconazol” application and that as a result of this application disease was only observed in the 2.4% of the fruits. They also pointed out that the other three application were also relatively effective against the disease and as a result of the application of “Boscalid + Pyraclostrobin”, “Copper oxide” and “Azoxystrobin”, disease was observed in the 3.7%, 4.2% and 6.9% of the fruits. Furthermore, in order to achieve success, the fungicides used should be applied at the right time, ie when the flowers are fully open, and the subsequent application may cause damage (with residues) instead of benefit.