Significant Source from EUL Academician to the field of Psychology

“Being Solution Oriented: A Glimpse to the Solution Oriented short Therapies” titled book published
Academician of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Science and Literature Department of Psychology Psychologist Sultan Okumuşoğlu’s “Being Solution Oriented: A Glimpse to the Solution Oriented short Therapies” titled book is published.
Giving information about her book which is published by Nobel Academic Publishing, Okumuşoğlu said that the book is a source to the field of psychology and at the same time it has the characteristics of a “self-help” book.
Okumuşoğlu: Solution Oriented Approach focuses on the needs of the consultant
Okumuşoğlu said that solution oriented therapies is distinct from the traditional therapies which assert the necessity of finding what the problem is. She pointed out that this approach is a psychotherapy approach that emphasizes that the solution is not related to the problem, which investigates the exception times when there is no problem, focuses on what the individual applying for the therapy wants and what they can bring to the client’s life. Okumuşoğlu further stated that the solution-oriented approach is a psychotherapy approach to benefit through the ‘Miracle Question‘ in the time of exception, where there are no problems and added the the approach also focuses on what is different at these times.
Okumuşoğlu: Solution oriented therapies are different from “traditional” therapies
Okumuşoğlu said that “The Solution Oriented Approach described in the book is a powerful approach to psychotherapy, as well as a strong self-help approach, whose effectiveness has been demonstrated by various studies” and added that according to the solution oriented approach every individual has the minimal specifications which are required to create solutions. She also said that “No problem cannot be perfect as no people are perfect; so there are always times when the problem doesn’t exist or isn’t so bad” and added that the solution oriented approach focuses on the solutions instead of problems and it emphasizes that the solution is not always related with the problem. She also added that this approach focuses on the time of exception, where there are no problems and seeks an answer to what does the individual want. Okumuşoğlu pointed out that with its numerous techniques including “Miracle Question”, the solution oriented approach is and approach based on benefit and solution and added that “So, Solution oriented therapies are different from “traditional” therapies which try to find out what the problem is”.
Okumuşoğlu said that given the power of language in reshaping the social reality, and the impact of the language’s ability to create reality, the power of metaphors cannot be underestimated and added that “And through the metaphors the story says; Despair is a warm. It is a very strong warm. It’s so strong that if it’s allowed, he can kill the person, eat up his/her soul. But hope is another warm. It is equally powerful. Very, very powerful. And this warm will fight the despair within you. The answer to the question of who will win the war is related to whom you feed”.
Okumuşoğlu finally said that “I hope that the information in this book will guide you in your journey of helping yourself and the practitioners finding solutions to feed hope”.