Students of EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences Department of New Media and Journalism organized a workshop

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Communication Sciences Department of New Media and Journalism organized a term-end event. In the event, which was organized under the name of “Communicae”, New Media and Journalism Department students shared their experiences in the internship and workplaces they worked in the summer term with faculty members and department students. In the Communicae event, which was held with the intense participation of faculty members of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and students of the New Media and Journalism department, the video that the students prepared specifically for the event was also shown for the first time.
Expressing her gratitude about the performances of the students and the event, the head of the New Media and Journalism Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Asude Tunca expressed her thoughts about the event as follows; “In fact, the final year students are evaluated by the institutions they work during their internships and we take our students to the oral presentation in the internship committee that we have established at the faculty. We wanted our students to share their internship committee presentations that we held for the first time this year with the new students of the department. In this context, we expanded the framework of the activity a little more, and we wanted our students, who had the opportunity to practice their theoretical knowledge in the summer, to practice in many different countries of the world, to share their experiences with the whole department. This is how our communicae event came about”.
Pointing out that the first year student Kofi Arku Bansah found the event’ name which was “Communicae”, Tunca said that “Although the word is similar to the English word of communication, it has no special meaning. It is based on the word that our Ghanaian student’s grandfather used to express at the times of telling stories to his grandchildren. In other words, it reveals the power and effect of communication and sharing. That’s why we named our event ‘communicae’ ”.