Students of EUL Radio TV and Cinema Department conducted a field trip to the BRT Establishment

Students had the opportunity to learn from experts from the industry
Academician of European Univeristy of Lefke (EUL) Department of Radio TV and Cinema Assist. Prof. Dr. Birsel Matara organized a field trip to BRT to help the students of Radio, TV and Cinema Department to closely observe the practices in the sector and to get information about daily activities on a television. Academician Levent Duranlı also participated in the trip.
EUL students were warmly welcomed by BRT Director Meryem Özkurt
The field group which consisted EUL students and academicians was warmly welcomed by BRT Director Meryem Özkurt at the Directorship Building of the BRT. Answering the questions of the students about the institution, Özkurt said that the short film and documentary film projects realized by EUL students within the scope of the course can be published on BRT2 and BRT3 channels and they also offer internship opportunities to EUL Students as BRT institutions.
Many equipment related to TV sector were introduced to the students
The guided trip by BRT Technical Manager Ali Kurtoğlu started with the introduction of various equipment related to television, which were exhibited in the BRT building and decorated in a sense as a mini museum. Kurtoğlu said that the knowledge of equipment used in television and radio broadcasting since the establishment of BRT is important in terms of reflecting technological developments on television.
Visits to live broadcast studios, video director rooms and audio director rooms
In the trip which was continued with the introduction of live broadcast equipment, Kurtoğlu said that BRT’s live broadcast vehicles are equipped with the latest technology and are capable of broadcasting live all over the world. Moreoveri visits to live broadcast studios, video director rooms and audio director rooms were held. The students who witnessed the preparation stages of the live broadcast had the opportunity to learn from the experts in the sector by asking questions about television.