“Turkmenistan Culture Day” took place in EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) Directorate of International Office and Student Affairs Office contributed to the “Turkmenistan Culture Day” event organized by EUL students. During the night, colorful shows accompanied by cultural music were exhibited.
In addition to many students and mainly Turkmen students, academic and administrative staff participated in the event.
At the event of Turkmenistan Culture Day, students informed the participants by introducing Turkmenistan promotion film and demonstrations, natural, cultural, historical, touristic places and local clothes and food cultures. Following the presentation, students exhibited different dance performances and performances in the context of country-specific music. Students who appreciated the shows at the end of the day have had the opportunity to have fun with other friends.
The students who expressed their thoughts after the event, said:
Dovlet Babakuliyev: I am a Senior student at the Tourism Department. I am very happy to be involved in such an event in the last year of my studies. It is very proud to introduce our own culture, our food, our dances, red and clothes, and let our friends see them. First of all thank you very much to the Student Affairs Office and everyone who have contributed.
Atajan Rozyyev: I am a second year student in the Department of Civil Engineering. First of all I would like to thank the Student Affairs Office. Thanks to them we introduced our own culture. It is a great chance for us to share in social media and introduce us, and help us to share our culture with other students. I am happy that the number of our friends from Turkmenistan increased this year.
Bagul Mammetjumayala: I started in English Teaching Department this year. After a week of preparation, we were delighted to have a nice event. Thanks to this activity, we had the opportunity to get to know each other closely as Turkmen students and made us to make new friends. For the first time in our school there has been such an event and we will be even better prepared for the next event.
Jennet Bayliyewa: I am a first year student in the Pharmacy Department. It made me very happy to organize the campus in the name of the university Turkmens. Our school gave us pride to recognize Turkmens. I was very proud that the number of Turkmen increased our school day by day. This event enabled us to promote our own culture, to make meals together, to dance, and to have a happy night for all of us. We had the opportunity to meet with Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other international students. We are excited for the next event.