Unconscious use of antibiotics can cause health problems

European University of Lefke, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Assist. Prof. Dr. Yağmur Ekenoğlu gave information about the 18-24 November 2020 World Antibiotic Awareness Week. “Antibiotics are drugs used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Antibiotic drugs used in the treatment of bacterial infectious diseases and which are of great importance for human health prevent the reproduction of bacteria and / or act by killing the bacteria. Saying that antibiotics can be produced naturally from microorganisms in nature or artificially produced by chemical means in laboratories ”, Ekenoğlu stated that the unnecessary and irrational use of antibiotics has emerged as an important health problem today.
“Ekenoğlu said that “rational drug use” awareness of the society can reduce the individual and mostly public health problems caused by the use of inappropriate antibiotics. ”
• Fever is the most common reason for the unnecessary use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are not antipyretic. However, it is very common to use antibiotics without consulting an expert in fever.
• Fever caused by infectious diseases are the most common upper respiratory tract infections; It is seen in pictures such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, and sinusitis. Viruses cause 75% of upper respiratory tract infections and antibiotics are mostly unnecessary since antibiotics are only effective in bacterial diseases.
• Antibiotics should be given in 10-20% of diarrhea cases; Since unnecessary use of antibiotics will negatively affect the balance of beneficial bacteria in our intestines and protect our health, improper use may prolong the healing process of diarrhea.
• Antibiotics, which are usually used without consulting a doctor, are the most common inappropriate antibiotic use when symptoms of viral diseases such as flu and cold are observed.
Ekenoğlu, stated that unconscious use of antibiotics can cause various health problems and stated the possible health problems as follows;
- Development of damage to the liver and kidneys: It is known that some antibiotics can cause permanent damage to the kidney and therefore unnecessary antibiotic use should be avoided without a doctor’s recommendation.
- Development of resistance against antibiotics: The most important reason for the development and spread of resistance against antibiotics is inappropriate antibiotic use.
- Formation of fungal infections: Microorganisms such as billions of bacteria and fungi that live with our bodies are important for the protection of our health. However, the effects of antibiotics disrupt this microbe structure, which we call normal flora.
- Causes the loss of probiotics in the intestines: Antibiotic use also causes the death of beneficial bacteria living in our intestines, causing the microbial balance in our intestines to deteriorate and therefore diarrhea. In order to prevent this situation, it is beneficial not to use antibiotics without consulting a physician and to consume probiotic foods while using antibiotics.
- Financial losses: Inappropriate and unnecessary use of antibiotics causes deterioration of the patient’s health, prolongation of the treatment period, and an increase in labor force and medical costs as a result of the prolonged hospitalization period of the patient.
Ekenoğlu, listed the things to be done for rational use of antibiotics for individuals as follows;
Always consult your doctor before using antibiotics, use antibiotics in the amount and times prescribed by your doctor, never request antibiotics when your doctor tells you that you do not need antibiotics, never use antibiotics prescribed for someone else, antibiotics do not cure cold, flu and flu, and do not prevent transmission to someone else, even if you feel better. Do not stop using antibiotics before your treatment is completed, do not store, share or use the remaining antibiotics when the treatment is over, take precautions to prevent infections, wash your hands and your children’s hands frequently during illness.
Stating that all layers of society have a role in raising and spreading the awareness of appropriate antibiotic use, Ekenoğlu said, “For this reason, it is important for everyone to join hands against unnecessary antibiotic use”.