“Violence from different Perspectives” handled at EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Arts & Science Department of Psychology organized a conference themed “Violence from different Perspectives”.
Academician of EUL Assist. Prof. Dr. Sultan Okumuşoğlu pointed out that, in the conferece themed “Violence from different Perspectives” continued throughout the day, and academicians, historians, writers, and psychologists from different disciplines discussed violence from different perspectives and made presentations.
The presentations in the conference were as follows; Prof. Dr. Oğuz Karakartal “Violence on Women in Poetry: Example from Tevfik Fikret”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray “Flirt Violence”, Assoc. Prof. Dr.. İhsan Tayhani “A Cross-sectional View on War Law and War Violence:, The Humanistic Approach of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sultan Okumuşoğlu “Justification of Violence: The Dangers crated by the Norms and Behaviors that Justify Violence” and Dr. Cemaliye Direktör “Politic Psychology and Violence”.
Okumuşoğlu said that even some of the innocent comments on the subject of violence provides support and excuses for the violence and added that for this reason many of the attitudes of the society, which became a sustaining factor on violence, should be changed urgently, including the reception habits of acceptance and excuses for the attacker. Okumuşoğlu further stated that the conference was held in order to shed light on what happened in the world of violence and to search for answers and solutions to the questions and to share and discuss these solutions.
The conference concluded with the verbal and poster presentation of the students.