EUL represented in England

Director of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Vocational School of Health Sciences Assist. Prof. Dr. Besim Özyel participated in the “Diet and Digestive Diseases Conference” organized by the Royal Society of Medicine in London, in collaboration with the British Society of Gastroenterology and the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
Biochemical analysis of nutritional problems was discussed at the conference
Özyel stated that she shared the results of the research she had completed with Nuriye Malyalı, an expert Dietitian graduate with a master’s degree at the conference she attended. Özyel said that “In our study, the nutritional status of people with gallbladder-related discomfort in the TRNC was evaluated for the first time and valuable data were obtained. I had the chance to share this data with scientists from many different countries in my presentation” and emphasized that the effects of diet on the digestive system diseases were tried to be brought into consideration in this conference, which was contributed by gastroenterologists, dieticians and nutritionists, and that biochemical solutions were tried to be brought to different dietary practices and related nutrition problems.
Özyel went on to say that “Gall diseases, which have become a serious public health problem, are common and treatment processes are burdening the country’s economy. Obesity, diabetes, physical activity, gender, age, number of pregnancies, lifestyle and feeding habits are among the causes of gallbladder diseases” and added that although there are several studies about gallbladder stones and risk factors in many parts of the world, there is not much research in the literature about nutrition after gall bladder surgery.