Orthodontic and aesthetic treatment methods in dentistry discussed in EUL

A conference on “Recent Developments in Orthodontic and Aesthetic Treatment Methods in Dentistry” was organized by the European University of Lefke (EUL) Health Services Vocational School. At the conference held under the moderation of Dr. Eşref Vaiz- Faculty Member of Health Sciences Faculty in EUL TV Conference Hall, Dr. Simge Diren and Dt. Eser Esener participated as a speakers.
Diren: The first sessions and interim sessions of the orthodontic treatment are painless and simple
In his presentation titled “Orthodontics”, Diren described dental implications as a specialty of dentists who diagnosed, treated and treated intertwining teeth and inter-jaw disorders in orthodontic teeth. He stated that orthodontic treatment should be done at 7-8 years of age and orthodontic treatment at all ages could be applied. Diren stated that, after treatment, 83% of adults treated with orthodontics had improved in human relationships, 58% had improved in career achievements, and 92% had suggested orthodontic treatment to other adults.
Diren, who is referred examination, radiologic examination, photo recording, planning and treatment, as the needs to be done before the start of the treatment, reported detailed information about these methods by saying that the orthodontic treatment methods are divided into treatment with fixed, moving, lingual and transparent plaques. Diren said that the first sessions and interim sessions of the orthodontic practitioner were painless and simple, and that after the first attachment of the treadmill, the patient is to feel a slight pain because of a certain amount of force applied to the teeth, but this pain is only felt for a period of 2-3 days. Noting that dental wires definitely do not corrode the teeth, Diren stated on the contrary that the areas where the brackets were glued were decayed because they could not enter the bacterium underneath, and that the decay of the teeth was a result without connection with orthodontic treatment because of the lack of adequate oral hygiene.
Esener: The most visible organ in social life is the eyes first, then the teeth
Presenting on “Current Approaches in Aesthetic Dentistry”, Esener explained that dentistry and aesthetics are always intertwined and explained the latest developments in aesthetic aspects in both treatment and aesthetic studies. Esener, with his aesthetic studies, presented with the examples of clinical studies that he could create wonderful things with computer technology, and sent the last steps in esthetic dentistry to participants.
Esener emphasized that in dental care, the treatment must be first done to the teeth. Despite all, in social life of humans during the initial contact made between people, first the eyes and then the teeth are observed; approved by the scientific researches, thus raising the significance of esthetics in today’s world.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Meltem Uçar, Director of Health Services Vocational High School, presented a certificate of appreciation to the speakers for their contributions at the end of the conference which was realized with the participation of students of Oral and Dental Health and Dental Prosthetics Technology Department.